
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.

Mission Statement

At Lakenheath Primary School:
  • We have a positive and purposeful learning community
  • We have an inclusive environment which fosters trust and respect
  • We have an engaging and exciting curriculum within which adults and children thrive
  • We love limitless learning and always challenge ourselves wherever we are
  • We have high aspirations and we feel empowered to have the passion and pride to become life long, independent learners.
Together, in partnership with our community, we are confident, feel safe and valued and have high levels of self-esteem

Our vision at Lakenheath Community Primary School is to nurture children to be happy, successful
life-long learners. Through prioritising their well-being, we ensure that our children are in the right
place emotionally to be able to learn the core skills, essential knowledge and life skills they need to
go on to secondary school as enthusiastic and informed learners. We teach them independence and
to take care of themselves and others. That way they are ready for life beyond school and can reach
their true potential.

Our Core Values - The 6 Rs