
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.


At Lakenheath Primary School we recognise the value in working closely with other schools to improve standards and share good practise. We have a number of partners who we work with.
School Games Mark

We're delighted to have achieved the Gold School Games Mark this year for our excellent provision in Sports and Physical Education.

We work closely as a school with EPIC Dad, a local Community Interest Company, to support and encourage fathers in our school community.

Forest Heath Sports Partnership

We are part of the Forest Heath Sports Partnership. Through this we compete in Sports competitions and have advice and support with physical education and active learning


We have joined SLIN and partner with two other Suffolk schools as a process for peer review to support school improvement

We work closely with Suffolk Young Carers supporting our Young Carers in school