
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.

Ocelot Class - Year 1&2


Welcome to Ocelot Class

The class teacher for this class is: Miss B Lynch & Mrs M Fancy

Other adults that usually support in this class are: Miss M Goddard, Mrs C Harrison, Mrs B Hampson, Mrs J Woodage, Mrs L Palmer & Mrs Neal


PE Days: 

Our PE days this year are Monday (inside) and Thursday (outside)


 Science Topics this year: 

Autumn Term - Plants, Materials

Spring Term - The Seasons

Summer Term - Materials, Plants 


 Our History and Geography topics this year:

Autumn Term - On the farm: Our local area (GEO) and Houses and Homes, The Great fire of London (HIS)

 Spring Term - Castle life: Kings and Queens (HIS)

Summer Term - Toys and games (HIS) and Holidays, Our planet (GEO)


Our class books this year include:

Farmer duck

Where the wild things are

The 3 billy goats gruff

Hansel and Gretel

The giant jam sandwiches

Harry's home


 Trips/visits this year:

Farm animal visit

Local area walk