
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.


In this area, children enter school in the September of the academic year in which they become five. There is one admissions date per year, early in September (i.e. at the start of the school year).

Visits to the school are welcomed; please telephone the school office and the Admin Team will arrange a mutually convenient day and time for you to visit.

Before you apply you are encouraged to read the Admissions Policy which is available to view or download from this page, paper copies are also available upon request.

To apply for a place at Lakenheath Primary, the first step is to register your interest in your child starting the school with Suffolk County Councils Admissions Team.

In the Autumn Term before your child is due to start school, you will receive a pack containing

  • an explanatory letter,
  • a copy of our Admissions Policy,
  • Schools in Suffolk booklet,
  • Supplementary Information Form (SIF).

For further information about Admissions to Schools in Suffolk click here.
Our Admissions Policy can be found here.