
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.

Wombat Class - Year 1


Welcome to Wombat Class!

The class teachers for this class are: Mrs Locke & Mrs Tingey

Other adults that support in this class are:  Mrs Horrex, Mrs Peters,Ms Goddard & Mrs Dasher

PE Days: Thursday and Friday

Science Topics this year:
Plants; how does your garden grow?

Materials; What are the things I use made from?

Seasons; What should I wear today? 

Our History and Geography topics this year:
On the Farm; why does farming matter to Lakenheath?

Houses and Homes; how have houses changed over time?

Castle Life; Why were castles built? What is a monarch?

Toys & Games; old and now, which toys do you prefer?

Holidays; do you need to travel to have a holiday?


Our class books this year include:
What the Ladybird Heard, A Year on the Farm, In Every House, Peace at Last, Princess and the Pea, The Brave Knight, The Castle the King Built, Paddington at the Palace, Supertato, The Naughty Bus, Emma-Jane's Aeroplane and Winnie the Witch at the seaside.

Trips/visits this year:
local animals to visit school, a trip to a castle, a trip to the seaside.