
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.

Family support - can we help?

Family Support

The school employs a full time family support worker, Mrs June Fox, who can work with individual children, groups of children or with families.

Mrs Fox runs tea and toast sessions every morning before school for small groups of invited children, who may need some additional time to get ready for the day ahead.

She also runs:

  • nurture groups,
  • groups to discuss feelings or manage anger,
  • social groups,
  • emotional support groups
  • self-esteem and confidence building groups.

In addition to these groups Mrs Fox can work with children who have experienced recent bereavement or separation.

Mrs Fox holds a Post Graduate Certificate of Therapeutic Play Skills and is working towards her Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy. This means she is able to hold play therapy sessions for some individual children or groups of children in school, when appropriate.

Mrs Fox is also available to all our children and parents/carers should they just need some time to talk. She can also signpost parents/ carers to the relevant support which can then be sent to you electronically.

You can reach Mrs Fox in the following ways:

  • on the school number 01842 860256
  • via email june.fox@lakenheath.suffolk.sch.uk
  • via text message on the family support mobile number 07519 111522
PACT Parents and carers together - Suffolk

Support for parents and carers of children and young people with a mental health issue (diagnosed or undiagnosed)
Sleep Support
School Nursing Team

School Nurses are able to offer a range of services to children and families.

Information about their service can be accessed via their web page found at;


Call them:- 03456 078866
Text them:- 07507 333356
Email them:- childrenshealth@suffolk.gov.uk

EPIC dads and Sharing Parenting

The school work very closely with the EPIC dads organisation who host sessions each month at school for dads and children. Rich Keeble, founder of EPIC dads, also runs a drop in coffee morning alongside June Fox on the last Friday of each month for ALL parents/ carers to have a proper cup of coffee and a chat!

We have close links to sharing parenting support and the family support hub which enables us to reach out for any support, help or advice for our families and to point them all in the right direction.This is a great community resource supporting parents and carers.Have a look at their website and see if you fancy doing a course taster or look at their parenting tips. Some of the resources are also useful to support adult well being.

A great way to meet new people.


If you have any question or concerns or feel in the need of a chat about anything please do not hesitate to contact either June Fox (contact details above) or Michael Tingey in school or by email: head@lakenheath.suffolk.sch.uk

Please click on the information tabs below for online courses being offered by NHS wellbeing.
Suffolk Young Carers
BEANS/LEAF Parents drop ins