
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.

Design and Technology

AT LCPS, we believe it is important that children develop the capability to respond to problems using their knowledge and skills and are aware of how design and technology gives them an opportunity to do this through design, creativity and innovation. We also aim to ensure that children understand the importance of nutrition and are able to learn essential skills in food hygiene preparation. In D&T, we follow the programmes of study for key stages 1 and 2 for the National Curriculum in England and use Projects on a Page (DATA) to ensure the NC objectives are met and skills are built upon moving up through school. Across all key stages, children are given opportunities to:

  • Test and evaluate current products and designs
  • Design
  • Make
  • Evaluate
  • Choose and use a range of appropriate tools and materials
  • Learn about influential designers and innovators
  • Understand the importance and impact of nutrition and make a basic meal product.
The children are helped to develop an increasingly independent and evaluative approach to working. D&T is usually taught through Topic themes, for example: designing and constructing elements of a weather station to fit learning about weather; designing and making a form of transport to fit an explorers topic. If this is not possible, pupils are given opportunities to learn through D&T as part of the wider curriculum and cross-curricular links are made whenever possible, for example festivals and celebrations such as Christmas and Easter.