
Welcome to the Lakenheath Community Primary School website - The School is now closed for Half Term, the children return on Monday 24th February

Physical Education

Physical education (PE) is described as the only curriculum subject whose focus combines the body and physical competence with values-based learning and communication, which provides a learning gateway to grow the skills required for success.

PE at Lakenheath Community Primary School uses the programmes of study for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 set out by the National Curriculum in England. We follow a scheme of work written by Cambridgeshire county council and adapt this to meet the needs of all children. Pupils cover three areas of sport at KS1 – gymnastics, games and dance whilst focusing on developing the fundamental movement skills. In KS2 pupils cover six areas of sport– gymnastics, games, dance, athletics, swimming and outdoor and adventurous activates. All children in KS2 (Year 3/4) learn to swim at a fantastic local pool and are taught by fully qualified instructors. As it is a statutory requirement, we aim to ensure that all children can swim at least 25 metres before they leave Lakenheath Community Primary School.

Each classes time table guarantees that all children receive at least 2 PE sessions per week, we also provide regular opportunities for children to participate in local competitive sporting events including cross country running, football, netball, gymnastics, dance athletics, hockey and tag- rugby through our membership to the Forest Heath School Sports Partnership. At Lakenheath we offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs that are available for children in EY, KS1 and KS2 to attend. The school has a range of fantastic facilities for both indoor and outdoor sports such as; a ball court, an indoor hall and a large playing field.