
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.

Young Carers

Lakenheath Community Primary School Young Carers

Lakenheath Community Primary School is committed to enabling young carers to access education and support. This policy aims to ensure young carers at this school are identified and offered appropriate support to access the education and other services to which they are entitled.


Young carers can be:

  •          children and young people who provide care for another family member. The level of care they provide would usually be undertaken by an adult and as a result of this they take on a level of responsibility that is inappropriate to their age and development. This is likely to have a significant impact on their childhood experiences.
  •          children who may be emotionally effected, or miss out on experiences, opportunities or time with friends/family due to having a family member suffering from physical health, mental health, substance or alcohol misuse or SEND needs.

   Support Offered

Lakenheath Community Primary School acknowledges that young carers may need extra support to ensure they have equal access to education and opportunities offered through the life of a school.

Through this policy, school is giving the message that young carer’s education and school experience is important.

The designated school lead for young carers is Mrs June Fox who will liaise with relevant colleagues, Suffolk Young Carers and other relevant agencies with the consent of the young carer. All pupils will be made aware of the designated link.


Lakenheath Community Primary School:-

  •     Will ensure that appropriate information is shared with school staff in order that there is an awareness of the young carer’s situation.
  •     Will provide young carers with opportunities to speak to someone in private, and will not discuss their situation in front of their peers.
  •     Appreciates that young carers will not discuss their family situation unless they feel comfortable. The young person’s caring role will be acknowledged and respected.
  •     Will treat young carers in a sensitive and child-centred way, upholding confidentiality.
  •     Will ensure young carers can access all available support services in school and other appropriate services/agencies.
  •     Will follow safeguarding procedures regarding any young carer at risk of significant harm due to inappropriate levels of caring.
  •     Will promote discussion and learning in all areas of the curriculum to facilitate fuller understanding, acceptance of and respect for, the issues surrounding illness, disability and caring.


We recognise that flexibility may be needed when responding to the needs of young carers. Available provision includes (but is not limited to):-

  •      Access to a telephone during breaks and lunchtime, to phone home
  •     Negotiable deadlines for homework (when needed)
  •     Arrangements for schoolwork to be sent home (where there is a genuine crisis). Any approved absence for a young carer will be time limited (DfES 2006)
  •     Access for parents with impaired mobility
  •     Alternative communication options for parents who are sensory impaired or housebound
  •     Advice to parents if there are difficulties in transporting a young carer to school
For more information on Young Carers: 
Young Carers - Redbridge Community School