
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.

School Complaints Procedure

At Lakenheath Community Primary School we believe in having good relationships with all parents and carers so that there can be clear communication both when things are working well and also if they are not.

In the first instance any concerns or complaints should be taken to the class teacher. If there is no resolution we advise taking it to the Key Stage Leader or Deputy Head. Finally, if there is no agreed solution we ask that you see the headteacher.

If this process still does not meet your needs you may wish to make a formal complaint. The process for this is set out in our complaints procedure and you can either download a copy here or request a paper copy from the school office.

All our pupils are treated equally and therefore if your child has special educational needs and you wish to make a complaint we will follow our complaints and SEN policies.

Please click on the procedure link below for more information;