
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.


“RE is an important curriculum subject. It is important in its own right and also makes a unique contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and supports wider community cohesion.” (Religious Education in English schools: non- statutory guidance 2010, DFE, P.8)
The National Curriculum states that ‘state schools’ ‘must teach religious education to pupils at every key stage’. Teaching and Learning Planning for Religious Education is based on the three disciplines set out in the Agreed Syllabus:
i. Theology
ii. Philosophy
iii. Human and Social Science
Current research suggests that each of these, applied to learning in RE, provide more of a balanced picture of religions and worldviews and in turn lead to better religious literacy. Each discipline is present within each key stage however in Early Years and Key Stage One the emphasis tends to be more on Human and Social Science and then Theology in Key Stage Two.
At Lakenheath Community Primary School we follow the Emmanuel Project scheme of work. This is in line with the Suffolk RE Syllabus. Children progress in their learning and build upon their prior knowledge as they move through the school. At Lakenheath RE is taught weekly. Children in KS1 have 6 hours of RE every half term. Children in KS2 have 7.5 hours of RE every half term. The children also have opportunity to explore RE as a whole school during special assemblies which link to religious festivals from across the world.
Below is our 2023 two-year rolling cycle for RE across the school.
We use a number of ways to assess the children’s knowledge of religious education. Teacher’s complete end of individual assessments once the children have completed a unit of work. The RE coordinator also completes pupil voice with the children and lesson observations.