
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.


At Lakenheath Primary School we firmly believe that ‘smart dress = a smart mind’.

Children should come to school dressed smartly and ready to learn.
The following uniform rules should be adhered to:

  • a purple school sweatshirt or cardigan( we will allow non-school logo jumpers/cardigans if this is the same shade of purple)
  • a white or royal blue polo shirt
  • grey or black school trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore (strictly no denim,). A purple and white checked dress may be worn in warmer weather.
  • Leggings may only be worn as an alternative to tights under a skirt
  • Flat, black shoes/boots (or fully black trainers). Sandals may be worn in the Summer Term with socks.
  • Tights or leggings under skirts should be plain and coloured grey, black or purple.
For PE children should wear:
  • plain family group coloured PE shirt with or without school logo (or a plain white T-shirt)
  • black shorts or black sports leggings
  • Black or navy-blue tracksuit/joggers may be worn in the winter
  • School sweatshirt or cardigan
  • A pair of trainers or gym shoes.

General Rules

  • No jewellery may be worn apart from one pair of small stud/sleeper earrings 
  • No make-up should be worn in school, including nail polish/coloured hair dye. 
  • Hair:
    • Longer  hair should be tied back 
    • Headbands and hairclips should be small and simple (eg. no large floral attachments, hairbraids or fashionable accessories are not allowed)
    • Children may not wear their hair in a gelled mohican style or have tramlines/patterns cut into their hair.
    • Watches are allowed (including FitBit - or similar) but no SMART devices with messaging/phone call options
Our main uniform supplier ar Corporate Tiger who are based in Mildenhall and it can be ordered online Visit the site or by phone 01638 717172. Parents are also welcome to visit their shop on James Carter Road in Mildenhall to see items in person and try on for size.
 Our secondary supplier is Brigade, uniform can be ordered online Visit the site.
 We do not hold stock of uniform in school.  

Please ensure all items of school clothing are named, and regularly checked to ensure names are still legible.