
“Punctuality is a habit that will take you far in life.” Our school gates open @ 8:30am and school starts @ 8:45am.


Who are school Governors and what do they do?

The School Governors are a group of elected people who collectively form the school Governing Body. They are made up of Parent governors, Co-opted governors and Local Authority governors. The Governing Body is there to ensure that the school is well led and managed and that the children are making good progress. They do this by challenging and supporting the school leadership team. Parents are able to write a written request for copies of the minutes from any of the governors meetings, this can be done by emailing admin@lakenheath.suffolk.sch.uk 

For more information about the Governors role or how to apply please visit: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/govern-suffolk/






Mr Michael Tingey


Extended Schools


Mrs Christa Page

Term of office ends 13/11/2026

LEA Governor  Mrs Dawn Bluett  Term of office 4 years date appointed 02/12/2022 - term ends 01/12/2026  Attendance/Health & Safety/Prevent/PSHE

Parent Governor

Mrs Zoe Eaton

 Parent elected Term of office 4 years date appointed 31/08/2022 - term ends 31/08/2026  Curriculum Development/Science/English
 Parent Governor  Mrs Jodi Howe
 Parent elected Term of office 4 years date
14/10/2024 - 14/10/2028


Co-opted Governor



Mrs Jo Chambers
Co-opted Term of office 4 years date appointed
05/02/2024 - 04/02/2028
RE/PE/Cultural Capital/SMSC/PE

 Mrs Niami White

Co-opted Term of office 4 years date appointed
14/10/2024 - 14/10/2028

Miss Rachel Bacon

Co-opted Term of office 4 years date appointed 10/07/2023 - 09/07/2027

Safeguarding/SEN/Target Setting/Music

Mr Mike Malina (Chair)

Co-opted Term of office 4 years date appointed 24/06/2022 - term ends 23/06/2026

Chair/Link/Assessment/Health & Safety/Target Setting/STEM/Website/History/Filtering & Monitoring Standards


Mr David Laflin

Co-opted term of office 4 years date appointed 10/07/2022 - term ends 09/07/2026

 Shadow English/Phonics


Mrs Sandra Parker

Co-opted Term of office 4 years date appointed 21/01/2020 - term ends 20/01/2024

Pupil Premium funding/Gifted & Talented

No staff at Lakenheath Community Primary School earn over £100,000.